9 Tips on How to Double Your Mailing List in One Month

Digital marketing is awesome. It’s always changing, it’s ever-evolving, and there are so many new opportunities to grow your business. But with all the noise out there, not every company has the time or resources to dedicate to digital marketing full-time.

Maybe you don’t have any digital marketing set up at all, let alone Facebook ads running on autopilot 24/7. Maybe you’re just starting out and don’t know where to start. Or maybe you know that your current efforts aren’t cutting it anymore and need some fresh, new ideas to help you double your mailing list in one month.

Keep scrolling for 9 tips on how to double your mailing list in one month (or less!).


The first step to doubling your mailing list in one month is evaluating your current strategy. If you’re not taking full advantage of digital marketing, it’s time to start! Take a look at what you currently have set up and see if there are any areas that need improvement. What social media accounts do you have? Do those social media accounts have the right audience? Is your website mobile friendly? Does your website load quickly on a mobile device?

If you answered no to any of those questions, don’t worry! We’ll give you some tips on how to fix all of them below.


The first step of any successful marketing campaign is to identify your audience. You can’t just tell people to go to your site and fill out a form if you don’t know who they are.

The first thing you want to do is figure out what type of person your ideal customer is. What are their hobbies? What are their interests? What are their frustrations? What are their everyday problems?

It’s important that you understand the people you’re trying to reach so you can tailor your marketing efforts accordingly. If you want to reach moms, for example, focus on organizing events for new moms or posting about parenting on social media.

Once you understand your target audience, it will be much easier for you to create content that resonates with them. You don’t have to guess anymore—you know what makes them tick.

Next up: Create a mailing list!


First, you need to know your conversion rate. What percentage of your mailing list is clicking through to join your email list? If you have a 3% conversion rate, that’s great! You just need to figure out how to get 6% of people who visit your website to subscribe.

But if you have a 0.1% conversion rate, well…that means there are so many ways you can improve your conversion rate.

Maybe the content on your site isn’t engaging enough or interesting. Maybe you need to find new ways for people to sign up for your email list beyond just an email address. Or maybe you need better incentives to entice visitors into joining your mailing list.

Whatever the case may be, it’s important that you know what percentage of people are converting before taking any other steps toward doubling your mailing list in one month.


Don’t have a mailing list yet? No problem, we can fix that. Google has a tool called “Gmail for Business” that allows you to create a mailing list from your Gmail account.

In order to set up your mailing list, go into the settings tab and scroll down to the bottom. You’ll see an option that says “Create or Manage Your Mailing List.” Fill in all of your information and then select “Create My List.”


The first step to doubling your mailing list in one month is to employ social media marketing. Social media marketing has the power to spread your content even further than you could ever dream of, so it’s worth investing the time and money into it.

If you want to take it up a notch, try using Facebook ads for social media marketing. With Facebook ads, you can target your audience by location, age, gender, interests, and more. You can input any relevant information about your potential customers or leads and use that information to shape your campaign. This makes it easy for you to reach the right people with the right message at the right time.

Social Media Marketing on Facebook:

– Reach more people on Facebook by advertising on Facebook

– Create true engagement on your business page by asking followers questions

– Target users with specific interests or habits

– Increase brand awareness with free promotion


Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms. Whether you’re looking to grow your brand, develop new relationships with customers, or advertise your products and services, Facebook can be a valuable asset.

But if you’re looking to create a Facebook page for your business, you need to do it correctly. There are many ways to screw up this process. For example, don’t create a Facebook page that looks like an ad. A lot of people will feel like they’re being sold something right off the bat and may not want anything to do with it. You also want to avoid creating too many ads on your Facebook page because people will only see the first one in their newsfeeds.

If you’re looking for some ideas about how to make your Facebook page stand out, check out Buzzfeed’s “16 Ways To Turn Your Business Page Into A Marketing Tool.”


One of the easiest ways to grow your mailing list is by joining Facebook groups. These are online communities that share a common interest and discussion topics. One of the best things about joining these groups is that they’re usually very active and members will be happy to welcome you and comment on your posts. You can also post discussions and ask questions or opinions, which is a great way to gain followers and find new leads.


with their business goals

What are you struggling with? What are you looking for? Whether it’s Facebook ads, website design, content writing, or anything else digital marketing-related, I’m here to help.

I can provide you with creative strategies and ideas to help your business grow. I want to support your business goals, so don’t hesitate to reach out.


One of the best ways to gain traction with your digital marketing efforts is to use influencer marketing, which involves partnering with someone who has a lot of influence over your target audience. One of the most popular influencers right now is YouTuber Lilly Singh, who has 12 million followers on Instagram and 5.6 million subscribers on YouTube. By partnering up with her, you can promote your product or service to her millions of followers across multiple platforms.

Every company needs to grow, and most companies start with a mailing list. But like any other business initiative, mailing list growth can be slow. The most successful companies are always looking for ways to grow their mailing list, and they never stop looking for new ideas. To help you build your mailing list with minimal effort, we’ve compiled 9 tips on how to double your mailing list in one month.